At the outset, we recommend you obtain a FULL written fee quote from our firm covering ALL fees necessary for the Seychelles company formation – setup stage (formation, bank account opening, tax) AS WELL AS for the routine ongoing maintenance and proper operation and compliance of the Seychelles Company. Our mission is to provide a one stop shop with a “FLAT FEE” QUOTE that covers all necessary services required for full compliance.
**To this end, FORM A1 (fee quote request form) must be completed and sent to our offices – on receipt we will respond with a flat fee quote and FULL GUIDANCE and support throughout the entire formation / set-up process. Click here to contact us and start the procedure **
Important note: Our group is highly responsive, competent, focused on international clients and international corporate structures with rendered services covering the entire spectrum needed (legal, tax, accounting, auditing, comprehensive corporate services – including ”substance” and “management and control” services).
Necessary Documentation required for the Formation of a Seychelles IBC (To be sent by (a) e-mail & (b) Courier to us):
- Certified Copy of Passport(s) for each Beneficial Owner / shareholder and director;
- In the case of corporate shareholders and directors, a copy of the constitutive documents (Memoranda and Articles of Association, deed of partnership etc;) together with a certificate of good standing / extracts from the registry or any other document attesting the company and/or partnership registration number shall be required.
- Bank reference for each beneficiary, shareholder and director (please request proforma bank reference from our offices) and proof of address (utility bill etc.);
- Signed Company Formation Instruction Form;
- Transfer of fees to our bank account (please request details of our bank accounts from our offices)
Note: Instruction Forms for other Jurisdictions, other Seychelles Legal Forms or Specific Tax Structures can be requested from Our Offices.
Contact one of our officers to initiate the incorporation of a Seychelles International Business Company to reap the full benefits of an investor-friendly, low-tax jurisdiction. Simply fill in the contact box below or contact us by email on
We are committed to providing you with a swift solution best suited to your needs.